VISN 2 Center for Integrated Healthcare (CIH)

Education and Implementation Core
Core Goals
Training Support
Resources Providers
PCMHI ListServ
Education and Implementation Goals & Objectives

Our education and implementation activities focus on improving the health of Veterans by integrating mental and behavioral health services into Patient Aligned Care Teams (PACTs), where Veterans receive their primary care. This integration requires significant transformation of the way that mental health professionals provide care. Evidence-based innovations in brief assessments and treatments are needed for the primary care population. Our Center supports this transformation by offering an array of clinical consultation and training support services.
As with CIH research activities, the CIH Executive Committee has ensured that all education and clinical activities are consistent with clearly identified Center education/implementation goals and support the implementation of VA Uniform Mental Health Services Handbook and the FY 11 – 13 Mental Health Initiative Operating Plan: Improve Veterans’ Mental Health (IVMH). The CIH education and clinical goals are:
- Support the national implementation of primary care mental health integration as required by the Uniform Mental Health Service Handbook through education, training, clinical consultation, technical assistance, and program implementation activities.
- Identify and disseminate evidence-based mental and behavioral health interventions feasible in PACT settings.
- Train predoctoral and postdoctoral students in clinical research and clinical service delivery on integrated behavioral health prevention and treatment services in PACT.
Training Support
The Center for Integrated Healthcare (CIH) is available to support education and training efforts through a variety of mechanisms. We have a significant history of developing and delivering high quality education and training programs. These programs consistently receive outstanding feedback from trainees and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your program and setting.
Facility and VISN-level Training Programs: If a facility or VISN would like to collaborate with the Center for Integrated Healthcare (CIH) and host an integrated primary care training event, CIH can work with the site-based planning team to structure a dynamic skills-based program that taps into national VA experts on the specific topics requested by the site. For example, the Orlando VAMC sponsored one such program in September 2012. Here's a link to the Brochure describing the training. CIH worked with site leadership and discipline experts to develop a planning committee and design a program for Orlando focused on expanding uptake of co-located collaborative care and bringing the VISN 4 Behavioral Health Laboratory (BHL)** care management program into full implementation. The program was run twice in back-to-back sessions allowing Orlando VAMC to retain clinic coverage.
If your site would like to organize such a program, you should be aware that your site will need to organize conference and travel approval as required by VA policy and arrange for CME/CEU credits. CIH will assist with these details by collaborating with the planning team to provide clearly written training goals and objectives and training justifications.
If you are interested in collaborating with CIH on a training program for your site or VISN, please contact Dr. Jessica Martin.
**Please note! This link points to the VISN 4 Behavioral Health Laboratory SharePoint. If you are using a non-VA computer you will be unable to access the SharePoint.
Clinical Program Consultation

Do you have questions about how to best develop and implement your PCMHI program?
Perhaps you have wondered what clinical interventions can be provided within a co-located collaborative care setting or how you might structure your clinic to allow for same day access.
Center personnel are available to provide clinical consultation related to PCMHI programming. These consultations may focus on a variety of topics, including clinical skill development, program implementation, or questions about general program development and operations. Consultation can occur through e-mail discussion or over the phone and can occur at the individual, facility, or VISN level. We have provided consultation to clinicians, administrators, and leadership. For example, many clinicians who are new to PCMHI have found consultation with CIH Education/Implementation staff to be helpful in the development of skills for successful practice management. Depending on the specific need, the consultation process can involve a one time discussion or may be more extensive. This process can also lead to linkage with additional subject matter experts, the PCMHI program office staff, or other available resources to best meet the need of the request.
If you would like to schedule a consultation or have questions that can be addressed via e-mail please contact Dr. Jessica Martin.
Clinical Resources for Providers

The Center for Integrated Healthcare has developed a number of clinical practice management resources designed for use by co-located, collaborative care providers working in VA's Patient Aligned Care Teams (PACTs). These resources include tools to use when conducting brief, typically 30-minute appointments, sample progress note templates, provider education materials, and education/self-management tools for patients. These materials have been vetted by content experts from the related professional disciplines.
Because of the large number of resources available, we have given them their own web page. Please click here, CIH Clinical Resources to explore these materials and download and those you find most helpful.
If you have any ideas or suggestions for additional resource materials please contact Dr. Jessica Martin, Directors of the Implementation and Education Core, respectively.
Mental & Behavioral Health in PACT VA ListServ

Share your expertise and learn from your colleagues!
Primary Care Mental Health Integration, VHA Patient Aligned Care Teams, and Health Behavior Coordinators are new innovations in the way we deliver care to Veterans. Because these programs are young, there is diversity in how they are structured at our sites. We believe this diversity is presents a wonderful opportunity. We work in a rapidly evolving field where we are still gathering data, generating new ideas as we develop our programs and benefitting from research and clinical demonstration project findings. By sharing our successes, supporting each others' efforts, and even giving voice to some of our challenges, we will be able to speed this important transformation in care.
What it is? The Mental & Behavioral Health in PACT mail distribution group functions as a ListServ whose members have an open dialogue, pose questions, share effective solutions, knowledge and resources, and support each other's work. This distribution list is open to any VA staff person who is a stakeholder in efforts to improve mental and behavioral health services within PACT teams.
Who Should Join? Members will include but not be limited to: PC-MHI clinical staff and providers, PACT Medical Providers, PACT nurses, Primary Care and Mental Health administrators and leaders from all levels of the system, and, researchers seeking to learn from and support the efforts of those in the field. We invite you to join the conversation, share your successes, get help and support from your colleagues and be a part of this important transformation. Please see the instructions below.
To be added or removed from Mental & Behavioral Health in PACT, please visit the CIH SharePoint site for instructions.
To contact the group, simply write an email addressed to "Mental & Behavioral Health in PACT."