Veteran Sponsorship Initiative

Partnership building for scale-up in the Veterans Sponsorship Initiative: Strategies for harnessing collaboration to accelerate impact in suicide prevention. Health Services Research
A practical risk calculator for suicidal behavior among transitioning U.S. Army soldiers: Results from the Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers-Longitudinal Study (STARRS-LS). Psychological Medicine
Supporting servicemembers and veterans during their transition to civilian life using certified sponsors: A three-arm randomized controlled trial. Psychological Services
Partnered implementation of the Veteran Sponsorship Initiative: Protocol for a randomized hybrid type 2 effectiveness-implementation trial. Implementation Science
Veteran cultural competence training: Initial effectiveness and national-level implementation. Psychiatric Services
Supporting the nation’s transitioning veterans: Narrative review of practices and recommendations for psychotherapy and counseling of veterans separating from military service. Psychological Services
Veteran suicide thoughts and attempts during the transition from military service to civilian life: Qualitative insights. Death Studies
Expanded roles and recommendations for stakeholders to successfully reintegrate modern warriors and mitigate suicide risk. Frontiers of Psychology
The modern-day Odysseus: How mental health providers can better reintegrate modern warriors and mitigate suicide risk. Journal of Clinical Psychology