Veteran Sponsorship Initiative

If you are someone who understands the challenges faced by servicemembers as they transition to post-military life and you want to help, you might be a great candidate to become a military-transition Peer Sponsor. Volunteering to become a sponsor for service members means making a difference by:
- Helping a servicemember before, during, and after transitioning into your community by keep in touch with them and helping to answer questions.
- Connecting a servicemember and their family to local resources that can aid in securing employment, educational and housing opportunities, such as local chapters of Veteran service organizations, County Service Officers, Vet Centers, and VA Medical Centers.
Sponsors ultimately provide peer support for Veterans and help them access quality benefits, whole health care, and services to improve experiences, well-being, and outcomes.
Who Can Become a Sponsor?
Anyone can become a sponsor. Prior experience in the military or with sponsorship is not required. Veterans and non-Veterans who care about servicemembers and Veterans - and can commit the time to complete the recommended training - make great sponsors. This means Veterans, Veteran spouses, VSO members, State or Country Veterans affairs offices, VA employees, and the broader population of community volunteers are all welcome!
How to Register
If you want to make a difference in a Veteran's life, please click the link below: