Jamie Zeitzer, PhD

Dr. Zeitzer is an associate professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University, as well as the co-Director of the Center for Sleep and Circadian Sciences. He completed his undergraduate degree in biology at Vassar College before receiving a PhD in neurobiology from Harvard University. Prior to becoming a faculty member, he completed a post-doctoral fellowship in neurology at UCLA and in psychiatry at Stanford University. At the VA Palo Alto Health Care System, Dr. Zeitzer is a health science specialist and leads the Chronobiology Research Core of the VISN 21 MIRECC.
Research Interests
Dr. Zeitzer’s research focus on several aspects of sleep and circadian rhythms. His research program examines the impact of light on brain function, the use of mobile technology to help diagnose and treat mental and physical health issues, neurobiology-guided clinical trials of sleep and circadian disruption, and machine learning approaches to understanding the neurobiological underpinnings of the subjective sleep experience.
VA-related active grant support:
09/20/21-08/31/22 | NINDS: The Impact of Early Tau Pathology on Cognitive Progression and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Parkinson's Disease (Kathleen Poston, PI); Role: Co-I |
09/30/20-08/31/23 | NIH HEAL: Prognostic Biomarkers for High-Impact Chronic Pain: Development and Validation (Sean Mackey, PI); Role: Co-I |
02/01/18-01/31/22 | VA RR&D: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia in Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury (Ansgar Furst, PI); Role: Co-I |
09/26/16-07/31/22 | NINR: Biological and Psychosocial Mechanisms of Cancer Caregivers' Elevated Health Risk (Youngmee Kim, PI); Role: Co-I |
09/01/16-08/31/23 | DOD: Ultrashort Light Pulses as a Personalized Countermeasure for Circadian Desynchrony (Jamie Zeitzer, PI) |
Featured Publications
VA-related featured publications from the last five years (a full list can be found here):
Xiao Q, Sampson JN, LaCroix AZ, Shadyab AH, Zeitzer JM, Ancoli-Israel S, Yaffe K, Stone K, Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) Study Group (2022) Nonparametric parameters of 24-hour rest-activity rhythms and long-term cognitive decline and incident cognitive impairment in older men. Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences, in press.
Miner B, Stone KL, Zeitzer JM, Han L, Doyle M, Blackwell T, Gill TM, Redeker NS, Hajduk A, Yaggi HK (2021) Self-reported and actigraphic short sleep duration in persons with advanced age. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, in press, PMCID pdf
Posner AB, Tranah GJ, Blackwell T, Yaffe K, Ancoli-Israel S, Redline S, Leng Y, Zeitzer JM, Chen DM, Webber KR, Stone KL (2021) Predicting incident dementia and mild cognitive impairment in older women with nonparametric analysis of circadian activity rhythms in the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures. Sleep 44: zsab119.
Zeitzer JM, Blackwell T, Hoffman AR, Ancoli-Israel S, Stone K, MrOS (2018) Daily patterns of accelerometer activity predict changes in sleep, cognition, and mortality in older men. Journal of Gerontology A Biological Science and Medical Science 73: 682-687. PMCID: PMC5905637
Machine learning and subjective sleep
Lok R, Zeitzer JM (2021) Physiological correlates of the Epworth sleepiness scale reveal different dimensions of daytime sleepiness. Sleep Adv 2(1): zpab008. PMCID: PMC8266524
Faerman A, Kaplan KA, Zeitzer JM (2020) Poor association between actigraphy, heart rate measures and subjective sleep quality in healthy older men. Sleep Medicine 73:154-161. PMCID
Boussard J, Kochenderfer MJ, Zeitzer JM (2019) Predicting subjective sleep quality using recurrent neural networks. 2019 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium, L01.06.
Kaplan KA, Hardas P, Redline S, Zeitzer JM (2017) Correlates of sleep quality in midlife and beyond: a machine learning analysis. Sleep Medicine 34:162-167. PMCD: PMC5456454.
Kaplan KA, Hirshman J, Hernandez B, Stefanick M, Hoffman AR, Redline S, Ancoli-Israel S, Stone K, Friedman L, Zeitzer JM (2017) When a gold standard isn't so golden: lack of prediction of subjective sleep quality from sleep polysomnography. Biological Psychology 123: 37-46. PMCID: PMC5292065
Bipolar disorder
Gonzalez R, Dwivedi A, Zeitzer J, Suppes T, Tohen M, Alvarado A, Forero A (2022) Chronobiologically-based sub-groups in bipolar I disorder: a latent profile analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders 299: 691-697.
Kaufmann CN, Gershon A, Depp CA, Miller S, Zeitzer JM, Ketter TA (2018) Daytime midpoint as a digital biomarker for chronotype in bipolar disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders 241: 586-591. PMCID: PMC6436809
Gonzalez R, Suppes T, Zeitzer J, McClung C, Tamminga C, Tohen M, Forero A, Dwivedi A, Alvarado A (2018) The association between mood state and chronobiological characteristics in bipolar I disorder: a naturalistic, variable cluster analysis-based study. International Journal of Bipolar Disorders 6: 5. PMCID: PMC6161964
Gershon A, Kaufmann CN, Depp CA, Miller S, Do D, Zeitzer JM, Ketter TA (2017) Subjective versus objective evening chronotypes in bipolar disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders 225: 342-349. PMCID: PMC5626649
Gershon A, Ram N, Johnson SL, Harvey AG, Zeitzer JM (2016) Daily actigraphy profiles distinguish depressive and interepisode states in bipolar disorder. Clinical Psychological Science 4:641-650. PMCID: PMC5022043
Shift work
Zeitzer JM, Joyce DS, McBean A, Quevedo YL, Hernandez B, Holty J-E (2020) Effect of suvorexant vs placebo on total daytime sleep hours in shift workers: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Open 3(6): e206614. PMCID: PMC7267849
Impact of light on brain function
Gabel V, Miglis M, Zeitzer JM (2020) Effect of artificial dawn light on cardiovascular function, alertness, and balance in older adults. Sleep 43(10):zsaa082. PMCID
Zeitzer JM, Najjar RP, Wang C-A, Kass M (2018) Impact of blue-depleted white light on pupil dynamics, melatonin suppression and subjective alertness following real-world light exposure. Sleep Science and Practice 2: 1.
Najjar RP, Zeitzer JM (2016) Temporal integration of light flashes by the human circadian system. Journal of Clinical Investigation 126: 938-947. PMCID: PMC4767340
McBean AL, Najjar RP, Schuchard R, Hall CD, Zeitzer JM (2016) Standing balance and temporal and spatial aspects of gait are impaired upon nocturnal awakening in healthy older adults. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 12: 1477-1486. PMCID: PMC5078702
Allende S, Medina J, Spiegel D, Zeitzer JM (2020) Evening salivary cortisol as a single stress marker in women with metastatic breast cancer. Psychoneuroendocrinology 115: 104648.
Kim Y, Carver CS, Hallmayer JF, Zeitzer JM, Palesh O, Neri E, Nouriani B, Spiegel D (2017) Serotonin transporter polymorphism, depressive symptoms, and emotional impulsivity among advanced breast cancer patients. Supportive Care in Cancer 26: 1181-1188. PMCID: PMC7322579
Zeitzer JM, Nouriani B, Rissling M, Sledge G, Kaplan KA, Aasly L, Palesh O, Jo B, Neri E, Dhabhar F, Spiegel D (2016) Aberrant nocturnal cortisol and disease progression in women with breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 158:43-50. PMCID: PMC4938753
Zeitzer JM, Hon F, Whyte J, Monden KR, Bogner J, Dahdah M, Wittine L, Bell KR, Nakase-Richardson R (2020) Coherence between sleep detection by actigraphy and polysomnography in a multi-center, in-patient cohort of individuals with traumatic brain injury. PMR 12(12):1205-1213.
Nakase-Richardson R, Schwartz DJ, Drasher-Phillips L, Ketchum JM, Calero K, Dahdah MN, Monden KR, Bell K, Magalang U, Hoffman J, Whyte J, Bogner J, Zeitzer JM (2019) Comparative effectiveness of sleep apnea screening instruments during inpatient rehabilitation following moderate to severe TBI. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 101(2): 283-296.
Towns SJ, Zeitzer JM, Kamper J, Holcomb E, Silva MA, Schwartz DJ, Nakase-Richardson R (2016) Implementation of actigraphy in acute traumatic brain injury neurorehabilitation admissions: a Veterans Administration TBI Model Systems feasibility study. PM&R 8: 1046-1054.
Kamper JE, Garofano J, Schwartz D, Silva MA, Zeitzer JM, Modarres M, Barnett S, Thomas BA, Nakase-Richardson R (2016) The concordance of actigraphy with polysomnography in TBI neurorehabilitation admissions. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 31:117-125.