VISN 5 Resource E-Blasts on Recovery in SMI

As a part of the VISN 5 MIRECC's commitment to support mental health clinicians in their efforts to incorporate recovery-oriented care for Veterans and the Veteran families they serve, we began regularly disseminating national email-blasts in 2019. The goal of this effort is to provide front-lined mental health staff across the VA system information on relevant topic areas and point them to resources they could utilize in their work with Veterans with SMI.
The E-Blasts topics are chosen specifically for areas that support recovery-oriented care. Check out each one!
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April 2023
Month of the Military Child
April is Month of the Military Child when we celebrate the over 1.6 million children with a parent serving in the military and the over 2.1 million children with a Veteran parent. For many Veterans parenting is their most important mission. VA has a variety of resources to support Veteran families' health and well-being.

February 2023
Ready-Set-Grow is a novel group psychotherapy protocol which uses the principles of Motivational Interviewing (MI) within a group format to nurture motivation for behavior change. Ready-Set-Grow fosters a positive environment for growth and change among group members regardless of how similar or heterogeneous their goals, growth areas, stages of change, or severity of mental illness.

January 2023
New Veteran Justice Programs Resource Webpage
The VISN 5 Mental Illness Research Education and Clinical Center (MIRECC) is collaborating with the Veterans Justice Outreach Programs (VJOP) office within the VHA National Homeless Programs Office on ways to assess and address the stigmatization of justice-involved Veterans.

May 2022
Videoconference Etiquette Guide
Videoconferencing (i.e., talking to others using video) is new to many people and, even if it is not new, many of us are still learning what is appropriate and effective behavior during a videoconference. This is a guide that can be helpful to Veterans and staff when attending video conferences such as family calls, doctor’s appointments, and telehealth groups.

June 2021
Clubhouse Model of Care
Connecting Veterans to Community Care: VA/Clubhouse Points of Contact - VA/Clubhouse Point of Contact Resources - Clubhouse International

May 2021
May is Mental Health Awarenss Month
VA Connection Plans - Recovery-Oriented Educational Products - Recovery-Oriented Media

March 2021
Veteran Stakeholders Forum
What is a Veteran Stakeholders Forum? Why create a Veteran Stakeholders Forum? Want to develop a Veteran Stakeholders Forum in your Center? How can a Veteran volunteer for the VISN 5 MIRECC Veteran Stakeholders Forum?

February 2021
Stigma and Mental Health
A new issue of the VISN 5 MIRECC Link focused on Ending Self-Stigma for PTSD (ESS-P) • Other Stigma and Mental Health Resources from the VISN 5 MIRECC including Ending Self-Stigma and EASE-ing Self Stigma
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