VISN 5 MIRECC - General Publications 2012
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Aakre, J.M., Medoff, D.R., Dixon, L.B., & Kreyenbuhl, J.A. (2012). Beliefs about antipsychotic versus hypoglycemic medications among individuals with serious mental illness and type 2 diabetes. Patient Preference and Adherence, 6, 389-94.
Adler, D.A., Oslin, D.W., Valenstein, M., Avery, J., Dixon, L.B., Nossel, I., Berlant, J., Goldman, B., Hackman, A.L., Koh, S., & Siris, S.G. (2012). Our job and their jobs: Mental health clinicians and patients' work functioning. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 200(5), 451-3.
Albrecht, J.S., Hirshon, J.M., Goldberg, R. W., Langenberg, P., Day, H.R., Morgan, D.J., Comer, A.C., Harris, A.D., & Furuno, J.P. (2012). Serious Mental Illness and Acute Hospital Readmission in Diabetic Patients. American Journal of Medical Quality, 27(6), 503-508.
Bellack, A. S. & Drapalski, A. L. (2012). Issues and developments on the consumer recovery construct. World Psychiatry, 11, 156-160.
Bigdeli, T.B., Haher, B.S., Zhao, Z., Thiselton, D.L., Sun, J. Webb, B.T., Amdur, R.L. Wormley, B., O’Neill, F.A., Walsh, D., Riley, B.P., Kendler, K.S., & Fanous, A.H. (2011). Comprehensive gene-based association study of a chromosome 20 linked region implicates novel risk loci for depressive symptoms in psychotic illness. PLoS One, 6(20), e21440.
Boggs, D.L., Kelly, D.L., McMahon, R.P., Gold, J.M., Gorelick, D.A., Linthicum, J., Conley, R.R., Liu, F., Waltz, J., Huestis, M.A., & Buchanan, R.W. (2012). Rimonobant for neurocognition in schizophrenia: A 16-week double blind randomized placebo controlled trial. Schizophrenia Research, 134(2-3), 207-210.
Boyd, S. J., Fang, L. J., Medoff, D. R., Dixon, L. B., & Gorelick, D. A. (2012). Use of a 'microecological technique' to study crime incidents around methadone maintenance treatment centers. Addiction, 107(9), 1632-1638.
Buchanan, R. W., Panagides, J., Zhao, J., Phiri, P., den Hollander, W., Ha, X., Kouassi, A., Alphs, L., Schooler, N., Szegedi, A., & Cazorla, P. (2012). Asenapine versus olanzapine in people with persistent negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 32(1), 36-45.
Carpenter, W. T., Jr. (2012). The future of schizophrenia pharmacotherapeutics: Not so bleak. Mens Sana Monographs, 10(1), 13-19.
Carpenter, W. T., Jr. (2012). Schizophrenia 35 years ago in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease: Past and future of the schizophrenia spectrum concept. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 200(7), 564-566.
Covell, N.H., McEvoy, J.P., Schooler, N.R., Stroup, T.S., Jackson, C.T., Rojas, I.A., & Essock, S.M. (2012). Effectiveness of switching from long-acting injectable fluphenazine or haloperidol decanoate to long-acting injectable risperidone microspheres: An open-label, randomized controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 73(5), 669-675.
Day, H.R., Perencevich, E.N., Harris, A.D., Gruber-Baldini, A.L., Himelhoch, S.S., Brown, C.H., Dotter, E., & Morgan, D.J. (2012). Association between contact precautions and delirium at a tertiary care center. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 33(1), 34-39.
Drapalski, A.L., Medoff, D., Unick, G.J., Velligan, D.I., Dixon, L.B., & Bellack, A.S. (2012). Assessing recovery of people with serious mental illness: Development of a new scale. Psychiatric Services, 63(1), 48-53.
Ehrenreich, M.J., Robinson, C.T., Glovinksy, D.B., Dixon, L. B., Medoff, D., & Himelhoch, S. S. (2012). Medical inpatients adherence to outpatient psychiatric aftercare: a prospective study of patients evaluated by an inpatient consultation liaison psychiatry service. International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, 44(1), 1-15.
Fischer, B. A. (2012). A review of American psychiatry through its diagnoses: the history and development of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 200(12), 1022-30.
Fischer, B. A. (2012). Maltreatment of people with serious mental illness in the early 20th century: a focus on Nazi Germany and eugenics in America. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 200(12), 1096-1100.
Fischer, B.A., Keller, W.R., Arango, C., Pearlson, G.D., McMahon, R.P., Meyer, W.A., Francis, A., Kirkpatrick, B., Carpenter, W.T., & Buchanan, R.W. (2012). Cortical structural abnormalities in deficit versus nondeficit schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 136(1-3), 51-54.
Fischer, BA. (2012). The unofficial myths of schizophrenia. [Invited editorial]. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 200(7), 567-568.
Himelhoch, S. S., Weber, E., Medoff, D., Charlotte, M., Clayton, S., Wilson, C., Ware, R., & Benford, J. (2012). Posttraumatic stress disorder and one-year outcome in methadone maintenance treatment. American Journal of Addiction, 21(6), 524-530.
Himelhoch, S. (2012). The need to prioritize smoking cessation. Psychiatric Services, 63(4), 303.
Himelhoch, S., Slade, E., Kreyenbuhl, J., Medoff, D., Brown, C., & Dixon, L. (2012). Antidepressant prescribing patterns among VA patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 136(1-3), 32-35.
Hong, L.E., Summerfelt, A., Mitchell, B.D., O'Donnell, P., & Thaker, G.K. (2012). A shared low frequency oscillatory rhythm abnormality in resting and sensory gating in schizophrenia. Clinical Neurophysiology, 123(2), 285-292.
Javitt, D.C., Buchanan, R.W., Keefe, R.S., Kern, R., McMahon, R.P., Green, M.F., Lieberman, J., Goff, D.C., Csernansky, J.G., McEvoy, J.P., Jarskog, F., Seidman, L.J., Gold, J.M., Kimhy, D., Nolan, K.S., Barch, D.S., Ball, M.P., Robinson, J., & Marder, S.R. (2012). Effect of the neuroprotective peptide davunetide (AL-108) on cognition and functional capacity in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 136(1-3), 25-31.
Jia, P., Wang, L., Fanous, A.H., Chen, X., Kendler, K.S., the International Schizophrenia Consortium, Zhao, Z. (2012). A bias-reducing pathway enrichment analysis of genome-wide association data confirmed association of the MHC region with schizophrenia. Journal of Medical Genetics, 49(2), 96-103.
Kane, J.M., Hill, L.D., Kinon, B.J., Potter, W.Z., Rapaport, M.H., & Schooler, N.R. (2012). New Clinical Drug Evaluation Unit (NCDEU) annual meeting: A great opportunity for early career psychiatrists. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 73(4), 504-505.
Lucksted, A., McFarlane, W., Downing, D., & Dixon, L. (2012). Recent developments in family psychoeducation as an evidence-based practice. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 38(1), 101-121.
McCleery, A., Divilbiss, M., St-Hilaire, A., Aakre, J., Seghers, J., Schumann, E.B., & Docherty, N.M. (2012). Predicting social functioning in schizotypy: An investigation of the relative contributions of theory of mind and mood. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 200, 147-152.
McGinty, E.E., Zhang, Y., Guallar, E., Ford, D.E., Steinwachs, D., Dixon, L.B., Keating, N.L., & Daumit, G.L. (2012). Cancer incidence in a sample of Maryland residents with serious mental illness. Psychiatric Services, 63(7), 714-717.
Park, S.G., Llerena, K., McCarthy, J.M., Couture, S.M., Bennett, M.E, & Blanchard, J.J. (2012). Screening for negative symptoms: Preliminary results from the self-report version of the Clinical Assessment Interview for Negative Symptoms. Schizophrenia Research, 135(1-3), 139-143.
Strauss, G.P., Hong, L.E., Keller, W.R., Buchanan, R. W., Gold, J.M., Fischer, B. A., McMahon, R.P., Catalano, L.T., Culbreth, A.J., Carpenter, W. T., & Kirkpatrick, B. (2012). Factor structure of the brief negative symptom scale. Schizophrenia Research, 142 (1-3), 96-98.
Strauss, G.P., Keller, W.R., Buchanan, R. W., Gold, J.M., Fischer, B. A., McMahon, R.P., Catalano, L.T., Culbreth, A.J., Carpenter, W. T., & Kirkpatrick, B. (2012). Next-Generation negative symptom assessment for clinical trials: validation of the brief negative symptom scale. Schizophrenia Research, 142(1-3), 88-92.
Strauss, G.P., Allen, D.N., Miski, P., Buchanan, R.W., Kirkpatrick, B., & Carpenter, W.T., Jr. (2012). Differential patterns of premorbid social and academic deterioration in deficit and nondeficit schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 135(1-3), 134-138.
Tandon, R., & Carpenter, W. T., Jr. (2012). DSM-5 status of psychotic disorders: 1 year prepublication. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 38(3), 369-370.
Thaker, G. (2012). Boundaries of the psychosis phenotype. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 38(2), 205-206.
Weissman, E., Jackson, C., Schooler, N., Goetz, R., & Essock, S. (2012). Monitoring metabolic side effects when initiating treatment with second-generation antipsychotic medication. Clinical Schizophrenia and Related Psychoses, 5(4), 201-207.
Velligan, D.I., Rubin, M., Fredrick, M.M., Mintz, J., Nuechterlein, K.H., Schooler, N.R., Jaeger, J., Peters, N.M., Buller, R., Marder, S.R., & Dube, S. (2012). The cultural adaptability of intermediate measures of functional outcome in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 38(3), 630-641.
Wehring, H.J., Liu, F., McMahon, R.P., Mackowick, K.M., Love, R.C., Dixon, L., & Kelly, D.L. (2012). Clinical characteristics of heavy and non-heavy smokers with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research,138(2-3), 285-289.
Welsh, C., Goldberg, R., Tapscott, S., Medoff, D., Rosenberg, S., & Dixon, L. (2012). "Shotgunning" in a population of patients with severe mental illness and comorbid substance use disorders. American Journal of Addiction, 21(2), 120-125.
West, J.C., Rae, D.S., Mojtabai, R., Rubio-Stipec, M., Kreyenbuhl, J.A., Alter, C.L., & Crystal, S. (2012). Clinically unintended medication switches and inability to prescribe preferred medications under Medicare Part D. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 26(6), 784-793.
Xiang, Y.T., Dickerson, F., Kreyenbuhl, J. A., Ungvari, G.S., Wang, C.Y., Si, T.M., Lee, E.H., He, Y.L., Chiu, H.F., Yang, S.Y., Chong, M.Y., Tan, C.H., Kua, E.H., Fujii, S., Sim, K., Yong, M.K., Trivedi, J.K., Chung, E.K., Udomratn, P., & Chee, K.Y. (2012). Common use of antipsychotic polypharmacy in older Asian patients with schizophrenia (2001-2009). Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 32(6), 809-13.
Xiang, Y.T., Kreyenbuhl, J. A., Dickerson, F.B., Ungvari, G.S., Wang, C.Y., Si, T.M., Lee, E.H., He, Y.L., Chiu, H.F., Yang, S.Y., Chong, M.Y., Tan, C.H., Kua, E.H., Fujii, S., Sim, K., Yong, M.K., Trivedi, J.K., Chung, E.K., Udomratn, P., & Chee, K.Y. (2012). Use of first- and second-generation antipsychotic medications in older patients with schizophrenia in Asia (2001-2009). Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 46(12), 159-64.
Xiang, Y.T., Dickerson, F., Kreyenbuhl, J., Ungvari, G.S., Wang, C.Y., Si, T.M., Lee, E.H., He, Y.L., Chiu, H.F., Lai, K.Y., Shinfuku, N., Yang, S.Y., Chong, M.Y., Kua, E.H., Fujii, S., Sim, K., Yong, M.K., Trivedi, J.K., Chung, E.K., Udomratn, P., Chee, K.Y., Sartorius, N., & Tan, C.H. (2012). Prescribing patterns of low doses of antipsychotic medications in older Asian patients with schizophrenia, 2001-2009. International Psychogeriatrics, 3, 1-7.
Xiang, Y.T., Kreyenbuhl, J., Dickerson, F.B., Ungvari, G.S., Wang, C.Y., Si, T.M., Lee, E.H., Chiu, H.F., Lai, K.Y., He, Y.L., Yang, S.Y., Chong, M.Y., Tan, C.H., Kua, E.H., Fujii, S., Sim, K., Yong, M.K., Trivedi, J.K., Chung, E.K., Udomratn, P., Chee, K.Y., Sartorius, N., & Shinfuku, N. (2012). Antipsychotic treatment in older schizophrenia patients with extrapyramidal side effects in Asia (2001 - 2009). International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 50, 500-504.
Xiang, Y.T., Hou, Y.Z., Yan, F., Dixon, L.B., Ungvari, G.S., Dickerson, F., Li, W.Y., Li, W.X., Zhu, Y.L., Chan, S.S., Lee, E.H., & Chiu, H.F. (2012). Quality of life in community-dwelling patients with schizophrenia in China. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 200(7), 584-587.