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Emily Johnson, PhD
Clinical Research Psychologist




Emily Johnson Photo

Biography: Dr. Johnson is a Clinical Research Psychologist with the VA Center for Integrated Healthcare (CIH) based at the Syracuse VA Medical Center (VAMC). She completed her MS and PhD in clinical psychology at Binghamton University-State University of New York. She completed her American Psychological Association accredited clinical psychology internship at the Syracuse VAMC. She supervises for the research track and research rotation at the Syracuse VAMC clinical psychology internship program and is a Clinical Instructor providing supervision at SUNY Upstate Medical University.

Research Interests: Dr. Johnson’s research interests generally focus on supporting the enhancement of patient-centered practices in integrated primary care including:

  1. Broadening the range of integrated care services for Veterans with behavioral health concerns to encompass priority areas beyond mental health (e.g., general wellness, social needs, functional concerns),
  2. Improving Veteran and Integrated Primary Care provider communication to improve mutual engagement (e.g., shared decision making, patient decision support materials),
  3. Expanding peer support to integrated care settings (e.g., Peers in PACT), and
  4. Identifying and addressing barriers to care for Veterans with mental health concerns.

Her research prioritizes use of Veteran-engaged research methods to ensure that research products use patient-centered practices and are relevant and acceptable to Veterans.

Here are some links to Dr. Johnson’s publications and grants that she has been awarded: 


Why do I mentor? I value and enjoy developing an individual relationship with mentees and teaching enthusiastic junior colleagues new skills. It adds meaning to my career to help individuals develop their professional identity, shape a unique career pathway, and find their own work/life balance.

How do I go about mentoring? I approach each mentee as an individual and take a developmental approach helping them identify growth goals and develop skills to advance their careers. I try to be flexible in my supervision and mentorship style and accommodate individual learning needs and preferences.

Areas I tend to Emphasize within Mentorship:

  • Individualized support for shaping career plans
  • Identifying important career milestones and developing action steps
  • Targeted skill building (e.g., learning statistical or methodological approaches to meet career goals)
  • Work/Life balance
  • Engagement in essential research activities including grant writing, manuscript writing, conference presentations, and research conduct

Accepting New Mentees

As part of the Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program, I am currently accepting new mentees.



A complete list of my publications is listed here:

Selected Publications:

Johnson, E. M., Possemato, K., Martens, B. K., Hampton, B., Wade, M., Chinman, M., & Maisto, S.A. (2021). Goal attainment among veterans with PTSD enrolled in peer-delivered whole health coaching: a multiple baseline design trial, Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice. Advance online publication.

Johnson, E. M., Hampton, B., Barrie, K., & Possemato, K. (2021). Expanding access to psychosocial research studies during the COVID-19 pandemic through virtual modalities. Families, Systems, & Health. Advance online publication.

Johnson, E.M., Possemato, K., Khan, S., Chinman, M., Maisto, S.A. (2021). Engagement, experience and satisfaction with peer-delivered Whole Health Coaching for Veterans with PTSD: A mixed methods process evaluation. Psychological Services. Advance online publication.

Johnson, E.M. & Possemato, K. (2021). Problem recognition and treatment beliefs relate to mental health utilization among veteran primary care patients. Psychological Services, 18(1), 11-22.

Johnson, E.M. & Possemato, K. (2019). Correlates & predictors of mental healthcare utilization for veterans with PTSD: A systematic review. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 11(8), 851-860. doi: 10.1037/tra0000461.

Johnson, E. M. & Possemato, K. (2019). Defining the things we can change to improve access to mental health care. Families, Systems, & Health, 37(3), 195-205. doi: 10.1037/fsh0000435.

Shepardson, R.L., Johnson, E.M., Possemato, K., Arigo, D., & Funderburk, J.S. (2019). Barriers and facilitators to implementation of peer support in Veterans Health Administration primary care-mental health integration settings. Psychological Services, 16(3), 433–444.

Possemato, K., Johnson, E.M., Emery, J.B., Wade, M., Acosta, M.C., Marsch, L.A., Rosenblum, A., Maisto, S. A. (2019). A Pilot Study Comparing Peer-Supported Web-based CBT to Self-Managed Web CBT for Primary Care Veterans with PTSD and Hazardous Alcohol Use. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 42(3), 305-313. doi: 10.1037/prj0000334.

Possemato, K., Wray, L.O., Johnson, E.M., Webster, B., & Beehler, G.P. (2018). Facilitators and Barriers to Seeking Mental Health Care among Primary Care Veterans with PTSD. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 31, 742-752.

Possemato, K., Johnson, E.M., Beehler, G.P., Shepardson, R.L., King, P., Vair, C.L., Funderburk, J.S., Maisto, S.A., Wray, L.O. (2018). Patient Outcomes Associated with Primary Care Behavioral Health Services: A Systematic Review. General Hospital Psychiatry, 53, 1-11.

Possemato, K., Johnson, E., Wray, L.O., Webster, B., & Stecker, T. (2018). The implementation and testing of a referral management system to address barriers to treatment seeking among primary care veterans with PTSD. Psychological Services, 15(4), 457-469. doi: 10.1037/ser0000150.

Johnson, E.M., Possemato, K., Barrie, K.A., Webster, B., Wade, M., & Stecker, T. (2017). Veterans' thoughts about PTSD treatment and subsequent treatment utilization. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 10, 138-160.

Possemato, K., Kuhn, E., Johnson, E.M., Hoffman, J.E., & Brooks, E. (2017). Development and refinement of a clinician intervention to facilitate primary care patient use of the PTSD Coach app. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 7, 116-126.

Johnson, E.M., Barrie, K.A., Possemato, K., Wade, M., Eaker, A., & Ouimette, P.C. (2016). Predictors of mental healthcare utilization in Veterans with PTSD symptoms and hazardous drinking. Military Medicine, 181, 1200-1206.

Possemato, K., Kuhn, E., Johnson, E.M., Hoffman, J.E., DeStefano, L., & Brooks, E. (2016). Using PTSD Coach in primary care with and without clinician support: A pilot randomized clinical trial. General Hospital Psychiatry, 38, 94-98.

Laborda, M.A., Schofield, C.A., Johnson, E.M., Schubert, J.R., George-Denn, D., Coles, M.E., Miller, R.R. (2016). The extinction and return of fear of public speaking. Behavior Modification, 40, 901-921.

Johnson, E.M. & Coles, M.E. (2013). Failure and delay in treatment-seeking across anxiety disorders. Community Mental Health Journal, 49, 668-674.




                                                                 ORAL PRESENTATIONS

Johnson, E.M., Possemato, K., Chinman, M., Maisto, S.A., & Martens, B.K. (2020, November). Goal setting and goal attainment in a pilot trial of peer-delivered Whole Health Coaching: A novel approach to engage Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. In Shepardson (Chair), Expanding Access to CBT through primary care: Pilot data on brief interventions for mental and behavioral health concerns. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. 

Possemato, K., MacQueen, R.S., Carlson, E., Johnson, E.M., & Harris, J.I. (2019, November). Leveraging the power of peer relationships to foster trauma recovery and mental health. Panel presentation at the 2019 annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Boston, MA.

Gass, J. C., Shepardson, R. L., Funderburk, J. S., Johnson, E.M., Kearney, L. K., &  Loughran, T. A. (2019, October). Want to "Measure Up?" How to select and use validated assessment tools in integrated primary care research and evaluation. Oral presentation at the 2019 annual meeting of the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association. Denver, CO.

Johnson, E.M., King, P.R., Beehler, G.P., Buchholz, L.J., & Wray, L.O. (2018, October). Welcome to the Team! Engaging Patients as Team Members through Shared Decision Making. Oral presentation at the 20th Annual Conference of the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, Rochester, NY.

Possemato, K., Johnson, E.M., Beehler, G. P., Shepardson, R. L (2018, October). How do Patients Benefit from Primary Care Behavioral Health Services: A Systematic Review. Oral presentation at the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association Annual Meeting.

Shepardson, R. L., Johnson, E. M., Possemato, K., Arigo, D., & Funderburk, J. S. (2018, October). Patient and provider attitudes and receptiveness toward peer support in integrated primary care. Oral Presentation at the 20th Annual Conference of the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, Rochester, NY.

Johnson, E.M., Wray, L.O., Webster, B., Possemato, K., Shepardson, R.L., Pomerantz, A. (October, 2017). Real Life Lessons from Implementation of a New Peer Support Program in Primary Care. Oral Presentation at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, Houston, TX.

Shepardson, R. L., Johnson, E. M., Funderburk, J. S., Arigo, D., & Possemato, K. (2017, October). Peer support in integrated primary care: Provider and patient feedback on potential peer roles. Oral Presentation at the 19th Annual Conference of the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association, Houston, TX.

Possemato, K., Johnson, E.M., Emery, J.B., Maisto, S.A. (March, 2017). Combining peer support and web-based treatment to boost engagement in primary care-mental health services. Symposium presented at the 2017 Society of Behavioral Medicine 38th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Possemato, K., Johnson, E.M., Emery, J.B., Maisto, S.A. (November, 2016). Can adding peer support boost the effectiveness of a web-based treatment for PTSD and alcohol use? Symposium presented at the 2016 International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 32nd Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX.

Possemato, K., Johnson, E.M., Wray, L.O., & Stecker, T. (2015, November). The implementation of a referral management system for veterans with PTSD in VA primary care. Symposium presented at the 2015 International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 31st Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Possemato, K., Kuhn, E., & Johnson, E. (2015, November). Clinician-Supported PTSD Coach: Pilot Results on Changes in PTSD Symptoms and Treatment Seeking. Symposium presented at the 2015 International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 31th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Possemato, K., Johnson, E., Wray, L.O., & Stecker, T. (2015, July). A Hybrid Effectiveness- Implementation Study of a Referral Management System to Address Barriers to Treatment Seeking among Veterans with PTSD. Oral presentation presented at the 2015 HSR&D/ QUERI Conference. Philadelphia, PA.

Johnson, E.M., Coles, M.E., Schubert, J., George-Denn, D., Heimberg, R.G., & Weiss, B.D. (2012, April).  Obsessive compulsive disorder: Mental health literacy and treatment seeking behavior.  Individual oral presentation presented at the annual meeting of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Arlington, VA.

Coles, M.E. & Johnson, E.M. (2011, November). Why does appearance matter?  Beliefs about appearance and symptoms of BDD, social phobia and OCD. In Cassidy Gutner (Chair), Diagnostic Considerations in the Classification of Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Symptoms Across Anxiety Disorders.  Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto, Canada.

Cumming, E.M. (2008, April). Effects of a picture training task on social implicit associations and general anxiety. Oral presentation conducted at the 2nd Annual University of Virginia L. Starling Reid Undergraduate Psychology Conference, Charlottesville, VA.

Ritterband, L. M., Magee, J., Cumming, E., Saylor, D., & Thorndike, F.  (2008, March).  Examining technical barriers in Internet interventions.  In Deborah Tate (Chair), E-health Interventions in Behavioral Medicine:  Barriers, Adherence & Outcome.  Symposium conducted at the Society of Behavioral Medicine's 29th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions, San Diego, CA.


Johnson, E.M., Wray, L.O., Vantreese, K., & Oddone, E. (2019, October). Building the workforce through implementation of a telephone health coaching intervention. Poster presentation at the 2019 annual meeting of the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association. Denver, CO.

Shepardson, R. L., Johnson, E. M., Possemato, K., Arigo, D., & Funderburk, J. S. (2018, April). Barriers and facilitators of implementing peer support in VHA primary care-mental health integration settings. Poster presented at the 39th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA.

King, P.R., Beehler, G.P., Buchholz, L.J., Johnson, E.M., & Wray, L.O. (2018, April). Veterans’ Presenting Concerns in Primary Care Mental Health Services Differ by Gender. Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine’s 39th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions. New Orleans, LA.

Johnson, E.M., Possemato, K., Webster, B., Beehler, G.P., & Wray, L.O. (2016, November). Veteran perspectives on primary care treatment services for PTSD. Poster presented at the 2016 International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 32nd Annual meeting, Dallas, TX.

Possemato, K., Webster, B., Steiger, S., Johnson, E.M., Distelmann, J. (2016, November).  A program evaluation of who receives evidence-based psychotherapy for PTSD. Poster presented at the 2016 International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 32nd Annual meeting, Dallas, TX.

Johnson, E.M., Webster, B., Barrie, K.A., & Possemato, K. (2015, November). Analysis of treatment seeking beliefs among veterans with PTSD: Is belief content related to patient clinical outcomes? Poster presented at the 2015 International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 31st Annual meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Johnson, E.M., Cory, J.Y., & Coles, M.E. (2011, November). Quality of Internet information on obsessive compulsive disorder. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Toronto, ON.

Johnson, E.M. & Coles, M.E. (2011, March). Incompleteness, not just right experiences, and perfectionism in OCD. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, New Orleans, LA.

George-Denn, D., Schubert, S., Johnson, E.M., Hayward, L., & Coles, M.E. (2011, March). Obesity, overweight & symptom severity in a group of hoarders. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, New Orleans, LA.

Johnson, E.M. & Coles, M.E. (2010, November) Shared and unique childhood experiences for OCD, social phobia, and BDD. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Francisco, CA.

Coles, M.E. & Cumming, E.M. (2010, March). Stopping a tortoise versus a train: How the gradual onset of OCD may facilitate prevention. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Baltimore, MD.

Cumming, E.M. & Coles, M.E. (2009, November).  Delineating barriers to treatment-seeking in anxiety disorders.  Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, NY.

Clerkin, E.M., Cumming, E.M., Siodmok, S.L., & Teachman, B.A. (2009, February). Modifying implicit associations impacts subsequent emotional vulnerability to a social stressor. Poster presented at the annual meeting of Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Tampa, FL.

Clerkin, E.M., Cumming, E.M., Jankowski, K.F., Skliris, C.A., & Teachman, B.A. (2007, November).  Relationships among automatic and strategic measures of body dysmorphic disorder.  Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, PA.

Cumming, E.M., Ritterband, L., Magee, J., & Thorndike, F.P. (2007, October).  Evaluating contacts exchanged during a trial of an Internet intervention for encopresis.  Poster presented at the meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII), Charlottesville, VA.



A list of my active nationally funded projects is here:

Other selected current and previous projects include:

Co-Principal Investigator

Pilot Trial of Personalized Support for Progress (PSP) in a Women’s Wellness Clinic

VA Center for Integrated Healthcare Pilot Research Grant

Co-PI: Ellen Poleshuck, Ph.D.

Co-Is: Kyle Possemato, Ph.D., Marsha Wittink, MD, Catherine Cerulli, Ph.D., Harminder Grewal, MD

Oct 2018-Oct 2020

Principal Investigator

Peer-Delivered Whole Health Coaching to Improve Recovery in Veterans with PTSD

VA Rehabilitation Research and Development, Career Development Award (CDA-1)

Mentors: Kyle Possemato, Ph.D., Stephen A. Maisto, Ph.D., Matthew Chinman, Ph.D.

Apr 2018-Mar 2020

Principal Investigator

Evaluation of Barriers and Facilitators to Mental Health Treatment Utilization Among Primary Care Veterans

VA Center for Integrated Healthcare Pilot Research Grant

Co-I/Mentor: Kyle Possemato, Ph.D.

Nov 2015-Feb 2017

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