VISN 2 Center for Integrated Healthcare (CIH)

Michael Wade, MS

Biography: Michael Wade is a Health Science Specialist with the VA Center for Integrated Healthcare (CIH) at the Syracuse VA Medical Center (VAMC). He completed a BS in mathematics and MS in Biometry and Statistics at Oswego and Albany-State University of New York. He supports both Research and Education/Implementation cores focused to enhance Mental Health Integration. Mike began working in Clinical Trials in 1995 for the AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) at the Harvard School of Public Health. In 1999, his career at VA began in cardiovascular research working on secondary projects of the VANQWISH Cooperative Study clinical trial. He then supported orthopedic surgery using programming and statistical skill sets to extract, analyze and prepare results for publication and grant preparation. Upon the inception of CIH in the fall of 2005, Mike began supporting PTSD research in PCMHI. Much of his time was allocated to extracting and analyzing data and building research infrastructure such as development of web-enabled data bases for research. Mike then transitioned to data acquisition of the national VA electronic medical record system to support education and implementation of evidence-informed interventions such as the national roll-out of VA PE-PC (Prolonged Exposure for Primary Care), a brief evidence-based therapy for PTSD. His SAS and SQL skills continue to support database studies in the areas of depression, anxiety, TBI and chronic pain as well as extramurally funded clinical trials designed to enhance veteran outcomes and the quality of integrated mental health care.