About Treatment Works for Vets
Welcome to Treatment Works for Vets — a public information website for Veterans, family members, and others interested in learning more about proven mental health treatments for Veterans.
Thanks to advances in science, mental health problems are now treatable.
Proven treatments for many mental health problems — known as "evidence-based psychotherapies" — now exist and have improved the lives of many Veterans. Unfortunately, they remain unknown to most Veterans and their loved ones.
Treatment Works for Vets was created by experts in Veterans' mental health to increase awareness of evidence-based psychotherapies and is supported by the VA Rocky Mountain MIRECC (Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Center) for Suicide Prevention. Unlike other websites that contain information about treatments, this website was not designed to sell a product or service.
This website was created as a public information resource.
Treatment Works for Vets is not just another website. It was designed, with input and feedback from Veterans, as a fun, creative, and interactive learning experience. The website provides information, creative videos, and interactive exercises related to specific evidence-based psychotherapies for depression, insomnia, and substance use disorders. Information and links to recommended resources for other effective treatments and supports are provided in the Additional Resources section.
These treatments have been shown to be effective in helping many Veterans and non-Veterans recover and reclaim their lives.
By empowering Veterans with information about proven treatments and what treatment involves, we hope this website will allow more Veterans to seek treatment and be active participants in the treatment process.
Whether you are looking for information for yourself or for someone you care about, we wish you an engaging journey through Treatment Works for Vets.

Explore these options for Veterans:
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Questions or problems? Contact Rocky Mountain MIRECC.
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Contact Information
Rocky Mountain Regional VAMC (RMR VAMC)
1700 N Wheeling St, BLDG A2
Aurora, CO 80045
VA Salt Lake City Health Care System
500 Foothill DR
Salt Lake City, UT 84148
801-582-1565 ext 2835