VISN 4 MIRECC Education
The Education Core serves a vital function within the VISN 4 MIRECC. The MIRECC sponsors conferences and workshops, as well as grand rounds and other educational programming related to measurement based care. We develop and make available resources for clinicians, patients, and their family members including training manuals and videos; we conduct direct training of students and clinicians; and we support a Research Fellowship Program for post-residency psychiatrists and postdoctoral psychologists and other mental health researchers. The description of a Clinical Fellowship at the Philadelphia site and internship training supported by MIRECC faculty can be found here.
In addition, each MIRECC site provides ongoing training and support for a range of local activities, including:
- practicum training in serious mental illness,
- family involvement in treatment, and couple therapy (Philadelphia site),
- and ongoing training and mentoring on the treatment of substance abuse through the Buprenorphine Initiative (Pittsburgh site). This is both an Educational and Clinical initiative of the VISN 4 MIRECC.
The MIRECC also supports and sponsors local, regional, and VISN-wide education trainings. A listing of the educational contributions of the VISN 4 MIRECC and other MIRECCs can be found at the National MIRECC Website (see Education and Clinical Products).