Participate in a Pilot Study

Opportunity for Human Subject Research
Do you feel isolated, disconnected or alone? Are you missing social connections, but don't know how to reach out? Rewarding social interactions are an important part of a full and active life. We have developed a brief, 8-session treatment to assist Veterans in improving social interactions as well as the joy experienced during these interactions.
Free counseling will be provided, and the information we learn in this trial will be used to further improve the quality of and reduce the barriers to fulfilling social experiences and behavioral health treatment for Veterans.
Interested in participating?
• Military Veterans 18+ may be eligible.
• If eligible, you will be asked to participate in a trial where you would receive 8 sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy and complete a series of measures over the phone with our research assistant.
• Must have access to a phone and ability/willingness to complete all 8 sessions.
• Compensation up to $200 available for eligible participants.
If you believe you might be eligible and are interested in participating, complete the online web form or
contact our study team coordinator at (808) 379-5683 to determine eligibility today!
Meet the Study Team!