6: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Suicide Prevention to Reduce Suicidal Ideation
Risk Management and Treatment » Non-pharmacologic Interventions
6: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (including problem solving) for Suicide Prevention to Reduce Suicidal Ideation
We suggest offering cognitive behavioral therapy (including problem solving- based psychotherapies) focused on suicide prevention to reduce suicidal ideation for patients with a history of self-directed violence.
Weak for
Grades and Definitions
- Strong for
- or "We recommend offering this option …"
- Weak for
- or "We suggest offering this option …"
- No recommendation
- or "There is insufficient evidence …"
- Weak against
- or "We suggest not offering this option …"
- Strong against
- or "We recommend against offering this option …"
Categories and Definitions |
Evidence Reviewed* | Recommendation Category* | Definition* |
Reviewed | New-added | New recommendation following review of the evidence |
New-replaced | Recommendation from previous CPG that has been carried over to the updated CPG that has been changed following review of the evidence | |
Not changed | Recommendation from previous CPG that has been carried forward to the updated CPG where the evidence has been reviewed but the recommendation is not changed | |
Amended | Recommendation from the previous CPG that has been carried forward to the updated CPG where the evidence has been reviewed and a minor amendment has been made | |
Deleted | Recommendation from the previous CPG that has been removed based on review of the evidence | |
Not reviewed | Not changed | Recommendation from previous CPG that has been carried forward to the updated CPG, but for which the evidence has not been reviewed |
Amended | Recommendation from the previous CPG that has been carried forward to the updated CPG where the evidence has not been reviewed and a minor amendment has been made | |
Deleted | Recommendation from the previous CPG that has been removed because it was deemed out of scope for the updated CPG | |
*Adapted from the NICE guideline manual (2012): The guidelines manual. London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence;2012. and Martinez Garcia L, McFarlane E, Barnes S, Sanabria AJ, Alonso-Coello P, Alderson P. Updated recommendations: An assessment of NICE clinical guidelines. Implement Sci. 2014;9:72. |
Recommendation Resources
Recommendation 6 applies to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) focused on suicide prevention and includes problem-solving based psychotherapies. Resources specific to CBT for suicide prevention can be found on Recommendation 5. Resources for problem-solving therapy (PST) are included below. PST is one type of CBT specifically aimed at improving a patient’s ability to cope with stressful life experiences through active problem solving.
Training and Clinical Resources
This section includes recommended trainings and/or clinical resources about PST for suicide prevention.
- VA-provided PST resources
Updated Moving Forward: Overcoming Life's Challenges Web Course
- PST resources from professional organizations
- Problem-Solving Therapy for Depression | Society of Clinical Psychology
- Problem Solving Therapy Canada
- PST Canada Workshop recommended pre-reading
This section includes recommended manuals about PST for suicide prevention.
Return to Resource OptionsWebinars
This section includes recommended webinars about PST for suicide prevention.
Emotion-Focused Problem Solving Therapy and Suicidality Presented by Dr. Art Nezu
Problem Solving Therapy for Suicide Prevention in VA Presented by Dr. Shannon Sisco
Suicide Prevention 2.0 Clinical Telehealth Program Presented by Dr. Jessica A Walker
Suicide Prevention 2.0 Clinical Telehealth: Implementation of an evidence-based psychotherapy program to reduce suicide behavior in U.S. Veterans Presented by Dr. Jessica A Walker
This section includes recommended podcasts about PST for suicide prevention.
- PTSD Bytes Podcast Series
Problem Solving Therapy with Dr. Shannon Sisco
This section includes recommended articles about PST for suicide prevention.
- 2017). Problem-solving therapy for suicide prevention in veterans with moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury. Rehabilitation psychology, 62(4). 600-608. https://doi.org/10.1017/S104161022000397X (
- 2021). Problem-solving training for Veterans in home based primary care: an evaluation of intervention effectiveness. International psychogeriatrics, 1-12. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/rep0000154 (
- 1999). Manual-assisted cognitive-behaviour therapy (MACT): a randomized controlled trial of a brief intervention with bibliotherapy in the treatment of recurrent deliberate self-harm. Psychological medicine, 29(1). 19–25. https://doi.org/10.1017/s003329179800765x (
- 2005). Randomized controlled trial of a brief problem-orientation intervention to suicidal ideation. Behavior Therapy, 35(4). 323-333. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0005-7894(05)80114-5 (
- 2000). Psychosocial versus pharmacological treatments for deliberate self harm. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, (2). CD001764. https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.CD001764 (
- 2014). Brief psychological intervention after self-harm: randomised controlled trial from Pakistan. The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science, 204(6). 462–470. https://doi.org/10.1192/bjp.bp.113.138370 (
- 2017). Social problem solving moderates emotional reactivity in predicting suicide ideation among U.S. Veterans. Military Behavioral Health, 5. 417-426. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/21635781.2017.1337595 (
- 1990). Cognitive-behavioural problem solving in the treatment of patients who repeatedly attempt suicide. A controlled trial. The British journal of psychiatry: the journal of mental science, 157. 871-876. https://doi.org/10.1192/bjp.157.6.871 (
- 2009). Comparing cognitive behavior therapy, problem solving therapy, and treatment as usual in a high risk population. Suicide & life-threatening behavior, 39(5). 538–547. https://doi.org/10.1521/suli.2009.39.5.538 (