VISN 1 MIRECC Education Products: VITAL-SEd
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Veterans Integration to Academic Leadership and Supported Education Services (VITAL-SEd)

Contact: Lisa Mueller, Ph.D. (
The Veterans Integration to Academic Leadership and Supported Education Services (VITAL-SEd) manual twofold mission is to: 1) support student Veterans who are having significant academic difficulties so that they can continue their schooling successfully and reach their educational objectives and 2) to discover and address unmet healthcare needs by facilitating Veteran access to and utilization of VA and community-based physical and mental health services. Providers of VITAL-SEd may be situated in the Veterans Integration to Academic Leadership (VITAL) program, Compensated Work Therapy Supported Education (CWT SEd), Veteran Supported Education (VetSEd), VetSuccess on Campus, or general mental health or peer services. The manual explicates how-to: initiate engagement with schools and Veterans; identify needs; address barriers to care; begin successful engagement with needed services; provide supported education services to veterans currently in school, and facilitate ongoing use of effective healthcare services. You can download the VITAL-SEd manual here.
For more information, training or technical assistance to incorporate VITAL-SEd in your program, please contact Lisa Mueller at