VISN 1 MIRECC Staff: Robert A. Rosenheck, M.D.
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Robert A. Rosenheck, M.D.

Dr. Robert Rosenheck is Senior Investigator in Health Services at the VA New England MIRECC, Professor of Psychiatry and Public Health at Yale Medical School and also Director of the Division of Mental Health Services and Outcomes Research in the Yale Department of Psychiatry. He is an internationally known mental health services researcher and cost-effectiveness studies of behavioral health interventions and in implementing and monitoring quality of care and other aspects of the performance of large health care system. As founding Director of the VA Northeast Program Evaluation Center he has 22 years of experience training staff, evaluating, disseminating, and monitoring innovative programs for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, severe mental illness, and homelessness at a national level. Has has led five VA cooperative studies and has published more than 900 scientific papers on topics such as the cost-effectiveness of both psychosocial programs and psychotropic medications, including first episode psychosis, crisis intervention in child psychiatry, and the evaluation of large services systems and multi-site randomized clinical trials. He has done global mental health research in China, Nigeria, Ghana, Brazil, and Chile and received awards recognizing my work from the American Public health Association and the American Psychiatric Association.
- A.B., Harvard University, 1969
- M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1973
Areas of Research Interest
- Mental Health Service Research
- Cost Effectiveness Research
- Behavioral Multi-morbidity
Projects and Grants
- Impact of VA Cooperative Studies on Clinical Practice
- Survey of Need for Chaplain Services among SMI veterans
- Associative Stigma Among VA Staff
- Service Delivery in VA as Compared to non-VA Mental Health Organizations
- Impact of Military Service on the Children of Veterans