Self-Help STOP Worry Manuals | South Central MIRECC

This clinician guide and self-help workbook provide a user-friendly, guided cognitive behavioral treatment of generalized anxiety disorder for Veterans 60 years of age or older who experience high levels of worry and anxiety. The CD referenced in the workbook is no longer available.
- The workbooks contain eight chapters detailing skills, including anxiety education and awareness, relaxation (Diaphragmatic Breathing and Progressive Muscle Relaxation [PMR]), problem solving, cognitive therapy, exposure and behavioral sleep management.
- Self-help workbook contains practice exercises and forms to monitor progress.
- Self-help workbook may be used independently or as a part of formal treatment.
- Published 2011 | Updated 2020
This product is a best practice.
Developed By
Srijana Shrestha, PhD and Melinda Stanley, PhD.
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Last updated: December 18, 2023