Guide to Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome from Alcohol | South Central MIRECC

About the Guide to Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome from Alcohol for Clinicians and Veterans
These guides describe the symptoms of and treatment for post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS) from alcohol for clinicians and Veterans.
- Each guide defines PAWS in language appropriate for clinician and Veteran audiences.
- The clinician guide describes the use of Gabapentin as a treatment for PAWS, including an example titration schedule, benefits and misuse of the medication, and how it is used in combination treatment.
- The clinician guide also discusses the prevalence of substance use disorders in minority populations and disparities in consequences for substance use.
- The Veteran guide describes Gabapentin as a treatment for PAWS and the side effects of the medication.
- Published 2021
This product is a best practice.
Developed By
Roberto D. Sanchez, DO and Ali Abbas Asghar-Ali, MD.
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Last updated: December 15, 2023