Medication Management of PTSD in Veterans with mTBI | South Central MIRECC

This pocket card is a clinical decision making tool that helps VA clinicians with pharmacological management of PTSD in Veterans with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Includes:
- Detailed table describing the PTSD Traumatic event exposure, Re-experiencing, Arousal, Unable to function, Month, Avoidance, and negative thoughts or feelings (TRAUMA) mnemonic
- Description of the symptoms of mTBI and treatment of PTSD
- Medication table that explains dosing and clinical considerations for comorbid PTSD/mTBI pharmacotherapy
- Published 2019
This product is a best practice.
There is also a print-ready version of the card with crop marks.
Developed By
Muhammad Rais Baig, MD, Adeel Meraj, MD, and Rebecca Tapia, MD
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Last updated: October 9, 2024