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Quality Improvement Training and Mentoring | South Central MIRECC

Quality Improvement Training / Mentoring

The goal of SC MIRECC Mentored Clinician Quality Improvement Program (MC-QIP) is to provide learning and professional development opportunities for mental health providers seeking to engage in mental health quality improvement (QI) activities.

What to expect

The program is tailored to individual provider needs (i.e., introductory, intermediate, and advanced tracks) and leverages a combination of online didactics, project experiences, and mentoring. Ideally, providers will use skills developed through the program to improve mental health services at their facility and/or within the VISN.

The SC MIRECC MC-QIP achieves these objectives through:

  • Providing a highly flexible experience tailored to each learner’s assessed learning needs, professional goals, and practice/resource landscape.
  • Fostering mentoring and coaching relationships.
  • Supporting experiential learning (opportunities to engage in existing projects).
  • Facilitating training and professional development opportunities via seminars and small groups.

Program Structure

Step 1. Supervisor Support and Approval to Participate

Providers are asked to obtain support and approval from their immediate supervisor and facility mental health lead. Support ensures the provider will be given the time and resources to participate and complete the program but also engages local leaders in the QI process for future projects and efforts.

Step 2. Needs Assessment

Learners will complete a needs assessment to help tailor the fellowship to meet each learner where they are.

Step 3. Track Assignment

Based on the learners’ goals and the needs assessment results, learners will be placed in one of three tracks. The three tracks are as follows:

Introductory Track: Didactic

  • This track is ideal for those embarking on their QI journey. It is focused on establishing foundational knowledge and skills in QI science and will enable clinicians to identify project opportunities in their practice. This track is comprised of 8-10 hours of self-paced didactic sessions and includes one-on-one mentoring sessions. Mentorship for this track may include discussion about specific QI topics but will also include attention to the learner’s professional QI development and potential QI next steps. Learners are expected to complete this track in three to six months.

Intermediate Track: Didactic and experiential

  • This track is best suited for those who have a QI project in mind and need foundational or enhanced QI skills and knowledge to complete the project. This track is comprised of 18-20 hours of self-paced didactic learning and interactive learning activities, coaching, mentoring, and a final reflection plan or poster. Mentoring for intermediate track learners is more frequent and “active” (compared to the introductory track). Learners can expect mentors to consult and/or collaborate on the identified project and will also work with each learner and their local leadership to identify how best to ensure the learner has protected time to engage in these activities. Learners are expected to complete this track in six to 12 months.

Advanced Track: Didactic and experiential to develop leaders in QI

  • This track is ideal for those with an existing QI project and the need for foundational QI knowledge and skills and/or an understanding of behavior change elements critical to QI project implementation and sustainability. The track is comprised of 20-24 hours of self-paced didactic learning, interactive activities, coaching, and mentoring to help learners develop as leaders in QI. Mentorship for the advanced track is focused on supporting the learner as a project manager and emerging QI leader. Learners are expected to complete this track in 6 to 12 months.

Step 4. Curriculum Opportunities (determined collaboratively by learner and SC MIRECC training faculty)

Didactic/Online Curriculum

Required courses will be tailored based on the learner’s needs, track, and goals. The comprehensive list of available courses includes:

  • Leading Healthcare Improvement (Primer).
  • Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) QI 101
  • Leading Healthcare Improvement (Full Course)
  • Analysis for Healthcare Improvement: Miniseries


Learners will be matched with appropriate individuals to receive individualized coaching and mentoring from QI experts to provide learners with guidance and support based on learner’s track and goals.

Experiential Learning

Projects may be identified and carried out by learners in the intermediate and advanced track or may be matched to an ongoing project connected to the SC MIRECC if the learner does not have their own project.

Summative Experience

  • Introductory Track learners will submit a reflection plan on what they have learned and what they plan to do as next steps.
  • Intermediate Track learners will submit a reflection plan on what they have learned and what they plan to do as next steps or learners may submit a poster presentation that demonstrates QI outcomes or next steps, anticipated outcomes, and project sustainability plan.
  • Advanced Track learners will present a capstone presentation on the current state of their QI project to the Clinical Input Committee to get feedback and recommendations on next steps.

Who can apply?

Frontline mental health providers and operations staff who oversee mental health programs who passionate about enhancing clinical care and interested in overseeing the implementation and sustainment of relevant clinical programs or evidence-based practice within a VA health care facility. Learners must have approval from their immediate supervisor to participate in this program.

Administrative contacts

Kelley Arredondo, PhD; Assistant Director for Improving Clinical Care;

Jeffrey Cully, PhD, Associate Director for Improving Clinical Care;

Darrell Zeno, MS, Senior Program Manager;


To apply to MC-QIP:


Last updated: June 28, 2024