Stress Less: Relaxation Enhancement Manuals | South Central MIRECC

This brief relaxation intervention is meant to provide short-term symptom relief for anxiety and stress.
- Recommended as an adjunct to established first-line treatment approaches
- Includes manuals for therapists and Veterans
- Therapist manual covers a comprehensive Relaxation Enhancement protocol that includes relaxation practices, resources, strategies, and a log
- Veteran manual can serve as a self-help resource to identify reasons to stress less
- Updated 2019
This product is a best practice.
Developed By
C. Laurel Franklin, PhD; Shelia Corrigan, PhD; Jessica L. Chambliss, MS, CRC; Stephanie Repasky, PsyD; Madeline Uddo, PhD; Jessica Walton, PhD; and Karin E. Thompson, PhD.
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Please note that the health care information provided in these materials is for educational purposes only. It does not replace the role of a medical practitioner for advice on care and treatment. If you are looking for professional medical care, find your local VA healthcare center by using the VA Facilities Locator & Directory. This page may contain links that will take you outside of the Department of Veterans Affairs website. VA does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of the linked websites.
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Last updated: December 18, 2023