Courage Group | South Central MIRECC

The Courage Group was developed as a 12-week outpatient therapy group for Veterans who had experienced sexual trauma by Drs. Dana Foley and Michelle Sherman in 1995. This included Veterans with a history of childhood sexual abuse, sexual assault in adulthood, and military sexual trauma (MST). This educational group draws on cognitive and behavioral principles to promote healing, self-discovery, and self-efficacy. The revised manual includes:
- Specific information about the experience of MST and its impact on functioning.
- Addition of four new topic areas – “Surviving Military Sexual Trauma,” “Grief and Loss,” “Self-forgiveness,” and “Moving Forward.”
- A modular design that allows clinicians to vary the length of treatment according to specific group needs or the clinical setting (e.g., specialty mental health, primary care).
- Removal of imaginal exposure from the treatment protocol.
- A new companion patient workbook that includes all in-session activities and recommended homework assignments. This workbook is intended to supplement treatment. It should NOT be used as a self-help guide.
- Published 1995 | Updated 2021
This product is an evidence-based practice.
Developed By
Derrecka Boykin, PhD, Natalie Hundt, PhD, and Dana D. Foley, PhD.
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Last updated: December 15, 2023