Sexual Health After Military Sexual Trauma | South Central MIRECC

These brochures for women and men raise awareness of the prevalence of sexual dysfunction after military sexual trauma (MST) and provide information on assessment and treatment of the disorder.
- Includes brochures for providers and Veterans
- Defines MST, sexual health, and sexual dysfunction
- Veteran brochure describes sexual problems, the effects of MST on sexual health, resources, and how to get help at the VA
- Provider brochure details DSM-5 and ICD-10 classifications for sexual dysfunction, provides tips on asking Veterans about sexual health, and lists resources for treatment, including the VA MST consultation program
- Published 2018/2019
Brochures for Women
Brochures for Men
Developed By
Carey S. Pulverman, PhD and Suzannah K. Creech, PhD.
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Use of these Materials and Finding VA Health Care
Please note that the health care information provided in these materials is for educational purposes only. It does not replace the role of a medical practitioner for advice on care and treatment. If you are looking for professional medical care, find your local VA healthcare center by using the VA Facilities Locator & Directory. This page may contain links that will take you outside of the Department of Veterans Affairs website. VA does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of the linked websites.
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Last updated: December 17, 2020