Newsletter | Fall 2024 Article 1 | South Central MIRECC
Meet the SC MIRECC Researcher: Marcela (Marci) Weber, PhD

Q. Please tell us a bit about your educational and career background.
I am a clinical psychologist whose research and clinical focus is building resilience in survivors of trauma and preventing and treating trauma sequelae such as PTSD and moral injury. I also focus on rural and other underserved populations. I have personal and clinical experiences of living rurally during my undergraduate education (BS in psychology from The University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee) and my graduate training (MA and PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Mississippi). I began my work with Veterans during my internship with the New Mexico Veterans Healthcare System in Albuquerque, New Mexico. In 2021, I joined the South Central MIRECC in Little Rock as a postdoctoral fellow. I’m delighted to have stayed with the SC MIRECC when I transitioned to an investigator and staff psychologist role, at Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System, a year ago.
Q. What do you like about doing research with Veterans?
Working with Veterans is important to me from my own personal value of serving those who served. Trauma exposure is higher among Veterans than civilians, such that PTSD is more prevalent and more severe among Veterans compared to the general population. This is a challenge in my research and clinical work, but it is also why I think this work is so important.
Q. Do you have any ongoing or upcoming studies or projects that you want to highlight?
I have submitted a VA Health Systems Research Career Development Award (CDA-2) proposal to “Improve measurement and delivery of patient-centered care for PTSD” which would involve developing better, more patient-centered, care quality metrics for PTSD care delivered by VA. I recently completed a scoping review about “Protective Factors that Contribute to Posttraumatic Wellbeing for Military Service Members and Veterans.” It is in press with Trauma, Violence, and Abuse. A SC MIRECC research assistant who I mentor, Brittany Hampton, recently presented a poster on this review.
Q. Who are the people who have played important roles in your professional development that you would like to mention?
My mentors at each stage of my career have had a tremendous impact on my career and my current work, starting with Sherry Hamby, PhD, my undergraduate mentor who introduced me to the study of trauma resilience. Stefan Schulenberg, PhD, my master’s and doctoral advisor had a huge impact on my career. I am so grateful to the SC MIRECC investigators who mentored me during my SC MIRECC fellowship and/or who are mentoring me for my proposed career development award: Jeff Pyne, MD; Ellen Fischer, PhD; Mike Cucciare, PhD; Natalie Hundt, PhD; and Rebecca Raciborski, PhD.
Q. How has your SC MIRECC affiliation helped grow your research career??
As a SC MIRECC fellow, the SC MIRECC was crucial to all my career progress the past three years. In addition to the mentoring I’ve received from SC MIRECC investigators, I am also grateful to the SC MIRECC for pilot funding on two projects (including the scoping review I described earlier) and for funding trainings for me to grow in my methods skills and implementation science expertise.
Q. What would your dream research study be if funding weren’t an issue?
To start, my current career development award proposal, for sure. Beyond that, I dream of augmenting or revising ALL tools, materials, treatment manuals, and note templates for Veterans’ mental health care so that they are more patient centered, focused on Veterans’ own goals for their care rather than being problem focused.
Q. How can people get in touch with you if they have questions?
My VA email, marcela.weber@va.gov. You can also follow me at the platforms below, and I’ll follow you back!
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marcela-Weber
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcela-weber/
Last updated: October 18, 2024
In this Issue
— Meet the SC MIRECC Researcher
— Advances by the SC MIRECC Clinical Care Core
— Free CE: CBOC MH Rounds Archive in TMS
— Calendar Observances
— Anchor Site Highlights
— New Clinical Education Resources
— Publication Highlights
— Pilot Grant Opportunity
— MIDAS Consultation Program
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Houston Fellowship
Little Rock Fellowship
Grant Writing Scholars
CBOC Grand Rounds
Grant Program
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Clinical Care
News Flash
Veteran Engagement and Access
Older Veterans
Women Veterans
Veterans and Families